I and my Wife had already a black Golden Doberman, i bought him when he was in 2 moths and i sold him when he was 6 months. Now you are asking yourself why i sold him?!
- I had problem with flat.
- He made pee and poo every where.
- Stupid.
But Dobermans are smart they can learn if you teach them, so i decided to send him to dog school which i paid 300$, after one month training he changed.
He didn't any more made pee or poo on flat, he always was near me when hang out and didn't bark in flat, he was friendly with dogs.
But after 3 weeks he again became the old stupid Doberman.
You are asking your now why?!
I figure out because the trainer taught him with scare for example:
If he made pee in flat he took a stick and starting to bit him.
But that trainer did really wrong work he had to made understand dog.
The point is you should made understand dog.If he made pee in flat he took a stick and starting to bit him.
But that trainer did really wrong work he had to made understand dog.
"this is my Dog max what i sold" |